
The Lorentzhuis, institute for systemtherapy, education and consultation in Haarlem, has introduced NVR to The Netherlands by inviting Prof. Haim Omer two times for a 2-day seminar (in 2005 and 2007) and by translating the book “Nonviolent Resistance, a new approach to violent and self-destructive children” into Dutch.
From the very beginning we were convinced that the principles of nonviolent resistance were an important answer to the need for a new authority in modern society.
Attachment is not only about responsiveness and protection, but also about setting limits without losing contact. Many years later we are even more impressed by the variety of possibilities to
implement and adapt Nonviolent Resistance and New Authority for a growing range of problems (anxiety, ADHD, internet addiction, school refusal, etcetera) and in different settings (families, schools, child psychiatry, children looked after in residential and foster care).
Our services:
1. As a group of psychologists and psychotherapists we have both the possibility of parent-groups and more individual parent-counseling and familiytherapy;
2. As teachers we have developed a 6 day-training on New Authority and Nonviolent Resistance, that is officially accredited by the Dutch Association for Couple and Family therapy (NVRG), which starts once a year in Haarlem;
3. We are also available for ‘tailor-made’ incompany-training, consisting of a combination of training and supervision, all over The Netherlands.
4. We are NVP- and NVRG-registered supervisors, specialised in New Authority and NVR with the possibility of giving supervision both in our own institute in Haarlem (individual and group) and in your own institute (team/group).
Contact persons:
Drs. Eliane Wiebenga, clinical psychologist-psychotherapist.
Email: e.wiebenga@lorentzhuis.nl Twitteraccount: @VerbindendGezag
Dr. Hans Bom, clinical psychologist. Email: h.bom@lorentzhuis.nl
More information is available at Lorentzhuis Website.