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Forum Counselor: Alex Millham

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Looking for suggestions to develop NVR in sc...
23:30 12.04.2012
I am a Family Therapist trained as NVR facilitator in Greenwich and Bexley CAMHS, and currently implementing NVR framework in Bromley CAMHS. I am also involved in training for schools and voluntary agencies, and I was wondering if apart of the New Authority book, there are other resources I can refer to think about how to use NVR in schools. There is a particular school interested in adopting the NVR approach but I find my clinical experience is not enough to support them in preparation and planning phase.
Any suggestions welcome.
nvr in schools
00:25 12.05.2012
Hi Patricia
Great that a school sounds so interested in the approach. If that's the case you are probably half way there. Some of my colleagues have tried to introduce NVR to schools with only limited success. One adapted some parent handouts i will try and find them if you are interested. Good luck
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