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Open forum - Belgium

Forum Counselor: Frank Van Holen & Idan Amiel

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20:08 08.22.2012
On the site of the Nvr school I found a quote( see below): Haim omer is talking about 4 anchorfunctions of NVR. Presence, support and self-control I knew al. Routine is new to me. Not as pedagogical insight but rather in NA.
Does anyone know what he mean with routin?

The anchoring function consists of four elements:

Routine: The parent must create a daily routine and central house rules.
Presence: The parent must be present and supervising, physically and mentally.
Support: The parent must recruit supporters, helping him thicken the anchor.
Self-control: The parent must improve his self-control (not dragged into his child's behavior, not escalating the explosive situation, no yelling, threatening or humiliating).

Op de site van de Nvr school vond ik bovenstaande quote: Haim omer spreekt er over 4 ankerfuncties van NVR. Aanwezigheid, steun en zelfcontrole kende ik al. Routine is nieuw voor mij. Niet als pedagogisch inzicht maar eerder in het gedachtengoed van nieuwe autoriteit.
Weet iemand wat hij hier mee bedoelt?
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