New Authority activists

Name Country About me Contact details

Britta Ahringhoff


Clinical psychologist, family therapist, working in a hospital and in own praxis. Trainings for Institutions and Professionals in New Authority and NVR. Main themes: parental coaching and new Authority in schools. In 2003 I founded togehter with Martin Lemme, Angela Eberding and Ruth Tillner "ahimsa e.V.". The members of ahimsa e.V. worked in schools, with parents and in social institutions. Since 2004 up to now I work together with a big school in Osnabrück, training the teachers, parents, social workers and interested people in new authority and NVR.

Idan Amiel


Idan is a clinical psychologist and director of the parents' counseling unit in Schneider Medical Center. Over the last 15 years he has been a key professional in developing the concepts of NVR and New Authority. He established, the New Authority Center in Israel in order to promote and expand the principles of the New Authority. Idan now serves as the NAC director and guides the professional NVR team at the parents' counseling unit at SCMC.

Bettina Aremu- Eberli


Ich habe an der Universität in Köln Heilpädagogik und Sozialpädagogik studiert. Mein beruflicher Weg führte mich zunächst über die Therapie mit Vorschulkindern, später entschied ich mich für die Arbeit mit Jugendlichen und ihren Familien. Ich absolvierte mehrere Aus- und Weiterbildungen in der systemischen Therapie, in Anwendung auf die Jugendarbeit. Seit 2007 arbeite ich selbständig als Sozialpädagogische Familienbegleiterin und Coach in verschiedensten ambulanten Settings.
Die Ideen der non violent resistance beeinflussen meine Arbeit seit 2007, als ich in Kontakt mit dem ISI in Zürich kam. Seitdem wächst die Netzwerkarbeit immer weiter.

Andreas Baer


12 Jahre Primarlehrer, 5 Jahre Schulleiter; Masterstudium in Bildungsinnovation, PHZH. Alter 47 Jahre. Seit Mai 2011 Arbeit in der Sektion Aufsicht und Beratung (Schulinspektorat) im Departement Bildung, Kultur und Sport des Kantons Aargau. Als Schulinspektor ist der grösste Teil meiner Arbeit Beratung von schulischen Systemen in allen möglichen Fragestellungen. Ich habe das Buch "Stärke statt Macht" gelesen und am Kongress in Zürich Mitte November teilgenommen. Ich bin von diesem Ansatz sehr beeindruckt und konnte ihn bereits mehrmals zur Anwendung bringen. Neben gutem Erfolg stosse ich natürlich auch an Grenzen.  Eine Vernetzung mit anderen Fachleuten ist mir darum sehr wichtig.

Xiomara Balentina


I worked for many years in the Netherlands, where we applied principles of NVR. I now reside on a Caribbean island: St. Maarten, where there is some degree of violence in the schools. I believe it is time that a New Authority is introduced in the Caribbean Region.

Ineke Bannink


Ineke is maatschappelijk werker, relatie - en gezinstherapeut en Contextueel Therapeut. Zij volgde de Voortgezette Opleiding Jeugd en Gezin, Relatie- en Gezinstherapie en Contextuele hulpverlening bij Leren over Leven. Ineke is docent en supervisor bij Leren over Leven in Utrecht. Ze was deelnemer aan de conferentie ‘Beyond Behaviour’ te Londen (april 2011) over geweldloos verzet en nieuwe autoriteit. Momenteel is zij werkzaam bij Fiom Utrecht en in een zelfstandige praktijk voor contextuele hulpverlening. Ineke is lid van de NVRG en VCW erkend opleider, supervisor en leertherapeut.

Sieska Baert


For fifteen years I've been connected with Wingerdbloei, an organization in special youth care that supports 148 families and their network. I am the department manager 'contextguidance' (=the people who work with the context -parents, school, family, neighbours,...-of the youngsters) and NVR-coach for the home-counselors and the residential settings. In December 2012 I attented the basic course of study in NVR&NA intervention program by the New Authority Center in Brussels.

Willem Beckers


I am a systemic psychotherapist and a staff member of the Interactie-Academie, an institute for systemic training and psychotherapy in Belgium. I also work at De Vliegeraar, a practice for child psychiatry and family therapy. I specialise in intensive interventions with the social networks of children, parents and families, to support them in their distress and in the difficult challenges they face, such as aggression, anxiety or isolation. My therapeutic work combines my systemic background with NVR principles/methodology and careful use of elements from narrative therapy. I am trained by and associated with Peter Jakob and Partnership Projects.

Stefan A. Bommer


Psychologist. Father of two grown up children. I was trained in NVR in Israel. Have been director of the KHT-Kinderhaus Thalwil until 2017 (now retired) where I implemented NVR with my employees. we have been working with NVR for about 8 years.
I work with institutions in residential care, foster family organizations, foster families, refugees, parents and social workers. I offer trainings, coaching, supervisions and lectures.

Carl W. Borgstedt


Im Rahmen meiner Arbeit als Lehrtrainer der Gewaltakademie Villigst ( kam ich im Jahre 2006 erstmals in Kontakt mit Haim Omer, Nahi Alon und Idan Amiel, deren Impulse meine Arbeiten auf verschiedenen Ebenen maßgeblich beeinflussten. Ein Teil dieser Arbeit ist die mit Kindern und Eltern zum Thema "soziales Lernen"; die Grundlagen der "Neuen Authorität" nehmen ort einen wichtigen Platz ein.

Willem Braamse


Me and my team were trained bij Frank Van Holen (B). NVR is used by our team of familyworkers to coach familys in Zeeland and the broader region. Fits well with the Solution Focused Approach. We are setting up NVR training for professionals in Holland and Belgium in collaboration with Frank Van Holen.

Bart Colson


I am a clinical psychologist, family counselor and psychodynamic psychotherapist. I work with adolescents at the residential child psychiatry ward of the university hospital of Brussels (UZ Brussel PAika). I am involved with the training of the Belgian Institute of NVR (BIGV) and the training at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). I am also currently conducting research on the topic of NVR and mentalizing.

Declan Coogan


Following contact with Haim Omer in 2008 and further research, I adapted NVR for use with parents in Ireland. Preliminary evidence was very encouraging and positive. I am now researching practitioners experiences of working with child to parent violence and aggression and their views on an NVR training programme. I have developed a practitioner training programme for using NVR in work with parents & carers.

Elizabeth Day

United Kingdom

I work in Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust where Elisabeth Heismann and I have developed an NVR groupwork programme for parents. I am currently doing a Professional Doctorate in Systemic Practice and am looking at the NVR group as the focus for my research.

Mies De Cock


I have a master in clinical child and youth psychology and have been trained in psychodynamic and systemic psychotherapy. Since 2007 I’ve been working in Wingerdbloei (Antwerp) as a case manager and NVR coach. In December 2012 I attented the basic course of study in NVR&NA intervention program by the New Authority Center in Brussels. I published an article (in Dutch) about the use of NVR interventions in a complex, stranded case in Wingerdbloei (Systeemtheoretisch bulletin 31, 29-48,2013).

Mariska De Graeve


Ik ben afgestudeerd als Assistente in de Psychologie. In 2012 zal ik vijf jaar als thuisbegeleidster binnen de Bijzondere Jeugdzorg werken bij Cocon Vilvoorde. Sinds dit jaar ben ik er ook werkbegeleider.
Ons team heeft een NVR-training gehad door Frank Van Holen en Peter Jakob. In een aantal gezinnen ben ik aan de slag gegaan met NVR. Eén van de gezinnen die ik begeleidde, werd uitgenodigd voor een gesprek met Peter Jakob tijdens een tweede trainingsmoment. Ik neem ook deel aan de supervisiegroep rond NVR o.l.v. Frank Van Holen.
Ik heb de kans gehad om Idan Amiel te horen spreken over NVR en New Authority op de ‘Conferentiedag geweldloos verzet’ dat begin dit jaar plaatsvond in Brussel.


Gerrit De Moor


I work in a residential care center with children and youth with EBD.
I am a Senior Trainer in Life Space Crisis Intervention and Facilitator of The International Virtues Project.
These two paradigms led me to the conference of NVR. I also studied the work of Pat Patfoort about Non-Violence.

Olivier Dirickx


I believe in networking, connectedness and presence and commitment.

Mirjam Diatlowicki


Mirjam is leertherapeut bij Leren over Leven in Utrecht en heeft een eigen praktijk voor familietherapie en coaching in Amsterdam. Zij volgde de opleiding Contextuele Therapie bij Leren over Leven en de Voortgezette Opleiding Jeugd-, Gezin- en Pleegzorg aan de Hogeschool van Amsterdam.  Mirjam heeft de wereld bereisd. Haar ervaringen met andere culturen hebben haar gemaakt tot een kosmopolitisch persoon met een breed blikveld en een onconventionele aanpak.
Zij was in februari 2011 deelnemer aan de basic course of study in NVR in Tel Aviv. Zij is VCW erkend opleider, supervisor en leertherapeut.

Frans Duintjer


As a family therapist I use NVR in different settings and with a variety of (family)problems. For me NVR and NA are powerfull tools and a powerfull way of thinking in finding solutions for all kind of relational problems. Since 2009 I conduct workhops and training in NVR at RINO NH Amsterdam. I have been coaching and supervising several teams in Holland and Belgium.

Astrid Erharter


I am clinical psychologist, systemic coach and consultant, supervisor,
art- therapist and hypnotherapist. At the moment I am working in a
hospital with cancer patients and in own praxis. Together with Dr. Ulrike
Hanko, we have founded the “Kompetenzzentrum Bildung & Training” some
years ago. We are doing lectures, trainings, coachings and supervisions in
New Authority and NVR for individuals, teachers, social institutions and


Gilda Flores

United Kingdom

I am a systemic psychoterapist I trained at  Oxleas NHS as a NVR facilitator and participated in several NVR clinics. I later on  developed a Spanish version for Latin American migrant/refugee families living in the UK. The workshop was a pilot project which lasted three month, this was supported by two Latin American community groups lottery funded.The project was very successful and I am looking forward to do more here in London and in Chile, South America.

Martin A. Fellacher


I started with NVR when heading the refugee aid in Vorarlberg (Western Austria) and implemented it especially in the care for unaccompanied minors. Besides that, I was part oft he founding team of the „GfW-Vorarlberg“, a NVR-network with more than 50 professionals in our region.
Now I am heading PINA – Pedagogical Institute for New Authority and coaching families, schools and teams in pedagogical and social work. Apart from that we are organising conferences and trainings on NVR.

Amanda Fletcher

United Kingdom

I currently work at a school for children with complex needs andtheir families. I run parent support groups and training for families ofchildren with autism spectrum conditions. I am very interested in using NVR approachesto reestablish confidence in parenting amongst the families experiencingchallenging behavior.

Michaela C. Fried


I had the training in Israel in oct. 2012 and I am member of INA Austria ( Hans Steinkellner and Stefan Ofner ) coach for parents and schools. I live in lower Austria, work at an institution and in private praxis, foster homes...

Simone Gaio


I am a graduate teacher with working experience in all school levels. Meanwhile, I'm working as a consultant with emphasize on prevention of addictive behavior. Our projects are mainly in cooperation with schools, communities and parents. In addition to this I hold a degree in postgraduate studies in systemic consulting including solution focused coaching. I attended workshops and conferences with Haim Omer, Idan Amiel and Uri Weinblatt. Every day I try to implement the NA approach in my family life with my two girls.

Ulrike Hanko


I am clinical psychologist, systemic coach and consultant, supervisor,
systemic therapist. Currently I am working in a hospital and in own
praxis. I attended training in nonviolent resistance and new authority.
Together with Dr. Astrid Erharter, we have founded the “Kompetenzzentrum
Bildung & Training” some years ago. We are doing lectures, trainings,
coachings and supervisions in New Authority and NVR for individuals,
teachers, social institutions and managers.


Leen Hermkens


Leen volgde opleidingen maatschappelijk werk, Voortgezette Opleiding gezinsbehandeling, de  Masterclass contextuele therapie en diverse andere voortgezette opleidingen. Zij heeft ruime ervaring in de jeugdzorg en is momenteel medewerker bij Clas (Contextuele behandeling en Leergroepen  voor alle betrokkenen bij seksueel misbruik) in Nederlands Limburg. Leen is opleider en supervisor bij Leren over Leven in Utrecht en Antwerpen. Zij is VCW erkend opleider, supervisor en leertherapeut. Lid van BVRGS en NVRG. Zij was in februari 2011 deelnemer aan de basic course of study in NVR in Tel Aviv.

Jan Hoet


Jan is psycholoog-psychotherapeut. Hij volgde een opleiding systeemtheoretische therapie en de Masterclass contextuele therapie. Jan heeft ruime ervaring in de ambulante en residentiële geestelijke gezondheidszorg. Voor Leren over Leven werkt Jan als docent, supervisor, en als coördinator van de opleiding in Antwerpen. Hij is erkend opleider en supervisor bij de Belgische Vereniging voor Relatie- en Gezinstherapie en Systeeminterventie, en bij de Vereniging voor Contextueel Werkers.  Hij was bestuurslid van de BVRGS van 2003-2012 en is lid van de NVRG.  Hij is VCW erkend opleider, supervisor en leertherapeut. Jan was deelnemer aan de basic course of study in NVR te Tel Aviv, 2011, en de  internationale conferentie ‘Beyond Behaviour’ en founders meeting te Londen, 2011. Jan is stichtend lid van het Belgisch Instituut voor Geweldloos Verzet.

Lars Hennig Rossen


I amemployed as a psychologist at the secured residential facility Soenderbro in Copenhagen, working with mental health screening as well as education andcognitive skills training for the young people. We are currently working ondeveloping and implementing a parental NVR-program as well as plan the local,internal NVR-program. I have previously served as advisor for social workerswith particularly complex and complicated cases regarding young peopleinfluenced by psychosocial and psychiatric problems and look at NVR worked as adirect and tangible opportunity to help grounded parents to remobilize theirstrengths and gain lost authority.

Michal Herbsman


Michal has been working at the parents' counseling unit in Schneider Medical Center since 2006, both as a therapist and as a supervisor. She has previous experience as a child psychologist in state-run boarding schools, working with disadvantaged and immigrant youth. As part of her work with the New authority Center, Michal serves as the International Training Coordinator. She has given lectures to teachers, as well as professionals in the different aspects of NVR.

Walter Hofmann


Arbeite als Fachberater / Casemanager in einem Schulheim - wichtige Themen sind die Kooperation mit Eltern, Elternaktivierung

Peter Jakob

United Kingdom

Most of my clinical work now involves NVR. I focus on working with multi-stressed families and children who have been neglected and/or abused, and who have turned to violence. This has led to a strong interest in developing a focus on unmet child needs in NVR.

Ulla Jepsen


I amemployed as an education- and development consultant to the secured residentialinstitution Soenderbro in Copenhagen. I have 20 years of experience working with children and youth placed out oftheir homes and their families, and 10 years of experience teaching at thepedagogical college.
I am a qualified social worker with a diploma in management, family counselingand supervision.
At Soenderbro I am a part of the development and treatment unit in relation tostaff, and is a part of the coordination and implementation of the NVR program,as well as in charge of a NVR team, working with parental and networkcounseling sessions.

Maria Kjellberg


I work in an counselingcenter where we meet families with children 0-20 years old with various difficulties. NVR has been of interest to me for a few years since I have listened to Haim Omer in Glasgow and here in Sweden when we invited him. Now I am in the process of writing my essay for Psykotherapist degree about NVR and this forum is really a good thing for me right now. Looking forward to be a part of this!

Bruno Koerner


Als Lehrbeauftragter des IF-Weinheim bin ich In verantwortlicher Rolle für die inhaltliche und didaktische Leitung der Ausbildung im systemischen Elterncoaching

Ich bin Mitglied im Kompetenznetzwerk Systemisches Elterncoaching und Professionelle Präsenz am IF Weinheim.

Dr Spiridoula Kotsi


I am a consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist holding a permanent post  at the NHS of Greece. I am a member of staff at a university psychiatric clinic in AHEPA University Hospital of Thessaloniki.  I work in a CAMHS that includes both a short term residential setting for neglected and/or abused adolescents and an outpatient service.  I have been using the NVR principles and methodology for the past 8 yrs in my work with adolescents with self destructive behaviours and their families. I became familiar with NVR for the first time at the Oxleas Foundation Trust in South London in 2012, during my employment in a locum post in their CAMHS. Along with other colleagues I have participated in the translation of the book “The New Authority” by H. Omer in 2018, translating several chapters in Greek. I consider myself an NVR activist and have been following the New Authority principles in my professional practice , my personal life and in the community were I live. Studying NVR through the work of Haim Omer has made me a better mother to my adolescent daughter, a better professional and, above all, a better person.

Ria Kunst


Ever since I read the books about New Authority I have experienced the feeling that this is a right and powerful method to raise children, not only when things have escalated to problems or when children have behavioural problems. So I started to integrate it in raising my own children and in my work. I strongly intend to do the course at the Lorentzhuis in Utrecht. And wish to add my own experiences to the method as described. Therefore it seems to be a logical step to become a member. Thank you very much.

Ifat Lavi- Levavi


Dr. Ifat Lavi- Levavi is a psychologist working in the department of child and adolescent psychiatry in Schneider's children medical center in Israel. Her doctorate dissertation, under the supervision of Prof. H. Omer, investigated the effects of the Non- Violent Resistance therapy (NVR) on parent- child escalation processes. She was the deputy head of the parent counseling unit in Schneider's hospital. She led NVR trainings for phone supporters and for therapists from different countries. She developed adaptations of NVR into different areas- eating disorders, diabetes, managers and organizational counseling.

Martin Lemme


Clinical psychologist, family therapist, supervisor. Own praxis for children, adolescent, adults and families, making workshops, seminars and lectures in “New Authority”, most of them in the Institute of Family therapy Weinheim, also in the Systemic Academy Bramsche. Main themes: parental coaching, New Authority in schools and youth welfare institutions. Actually building an ambulance for new authority in Bramsche.


Eli Lebowitz


Eli is a psychologist who specializes in the treatment of anxiety related disorders in children and adolescents. Together with Professor Haim Omer, he developed a new approach to parent training for the parents of anxious children. One major contribution of this strategy is the ability to help the parents of anxious children when the children themselves refuse treatment. The book "Children's Fears: Choosing Support Over Protection" authored by Eli and Professor Omer has been exceptionally well received in Israel.
Eli's doctoral dissertation studied families in which one child's obsessive compulsive disorder becomes the controlling factor around which an entire family's life is organized. Eli is now involved in research and doing his post-doctorate at Yale University.

Hilde Leonard


My work is about strenghtening teachers and schoolteams that experience pupils behavioral problems. I discovered NVR by reading Haim Omers books and saw immediately that these ideas could be interesting for Flemish teachers. The word "resistance" (in place of escalation, punishment,...) appeals a lot to me. I was one of the organizers of the schools trainings in Flandres with Frank Van Holen and Jan Hoet. We also invited Idan Amiel and Tal Maimon in November 2013 for a succesful training concerning the implementation of NVR in schools.  I am a member of the BIGV and NVR and NA now are my basic tools to work with.

Nitsan Lipshitz


Nitsan has a bachelor's degree in psychology and in early childhood educational counseling, as well as a master's degree in clinical psychology from Tel Aviv University. Over the past 5 years, Nitsan has been working on various New Authority projects such as parents' training, kindergarten counseling and training, Internet forum administration and as a consultant for WIZO's support hot-line for the parents of preschoolers.
As part of her thesis, Nitsan has developed a theoretical and practical model for coping with inappropriate and violent behaviors in young children through reparation acts, according to the NVR approach.

Veerle Lisabeth


Works as well as NA-therapist,  mediator and conflict coach in family setting and school environment. The NA-NVR model is used  by very particularly in a lot of divorce-settings where this specific crisis brings up a lot tension between parents and children, especially teenagers.
As a mediator she is used to work  in situations where multilateral impartiality and empathy are key-factors like they are in coaching authority figures and supporter networks. She works out and brings measure made training  as well as introduction-sessions, in NA-NVR for family and school settings in East- and West Flanders.

Patrick Mauczok


Ich bin Musiktherapeut, Sozialpädogoge und arbeite in der ambulanten Behandlung mit Kindern und Jugendlichen, die auffällige Verhaltensweisen zeigen und teilweise mit Diagnosen wie Asperger-Syndrom und ADS versehen wurden. Ein wichtiger Bestandteil meiner Arbeit ist die Beratung der Angehörigen und LehrerInnen, daher habe ich mich in Systemischer Beratung und Systemischem Elterncoaching weitergebildet. Die Haltung der Neuen Autorität und die dazugehörigen Methoden finde ich sehr bereichernd und versuche sie im Rahmen von Workshops an Eltern, ErzieherInnen und LehrerInnen weiterzuvermitteln.

Ishay Mazaki


Ishay is a clinical psychologist. For the last 9 years he has worked with multiple populations including, patients suffering from psychosis, anxieties, depression, eating disorders, and personality disorders. He specializes in dynamic psychotherapy using a variety of approaches.
Ishay has been an active member of the parents counseling unit in Schneider's Hospital since 2008.

Paul Meganck 


‘Wingerdbloei is an organization within the field of child welfare, providing context support, home counseling, (semi)residential care e.o. within the “Experimental Modulair Framework” with a capacity of 146 youngsters and their context. Clients are girls and boys (and their context) who have been referred by child welfare or juvenile court, based on problematic parenting situations and/or severe behavior problems or criminal acts.  70 % are adolescents.  I work as internal coach trainer in Wingerdbloei. I developed several training programs based on NA and NVR for residential and ambulant care providers and support the implementation of this mindset and approach within Wingerdbloei and similar organizations in the field. I am founding member of the Belgian Institute Non Violent Resistance.

Kitty Melkstop


In 2014 I attended a New Authority-course (Geweldloos verzet en verbindend gezag) by Leren over Leven in Antwerp, Belgium. I am a gestalttherapist and I am integrating NVR and gestalt which I discover to be a very powerful combination of conscious parenting, making contact and connection.

In mijn praktijk De Kantorka verbind ik gestalt(art)therapie met geweldloos verzet. Een krachtige combinatie van bewust ouderschap, contact maken en verbinding.

Patsi Mertens


Ik ben een bachelor Gezinswetenschappen en behaalde een getuigschrift van systeemtherapie. Ik werk in een thuisbegeleidingsdienst Bijzondere Jeugdzorg. Ik werkte 4 jaar als thuisbegeleidster en ben nu sinds een 4-tal jaar werkbegeleider. Daarnaast heb ik ook een psychotherapeutische privépraktijk.
Binnen onze organisatie kregen wij allemaal een in-house training van Frank Van Holen en Peter Jakob. Ik volgde de basisopleiding NVR in Tel Aviv bij Idan Amiel en zijn team in februari 2011. Binnen mijn organisatie ben ik referentiepersoon voor NVR en ik coach collega’s in het toepassen van de methodiek binnen onze gezinnen. Ik neem ook deel aan een NVR- supervisiegroep o.l.v. Frank Van Holen.

Alex Millham

United Kingdom

I am a family therapist based in England. NVR has changed how I work and parent.

Pierre Motyl


Very interested by the NA approach, especially in relation with recreating a form of Authority in schools and also as a remedy to family issues.

Yael Naim


Yael has an Social Psychology and she took a leading part in constructing the New Authority Website.Yael is involved in new authority projects in elementary schools and is currently supervising the telephone supporters at the parents' counseling unit in Schneider Medical Center. In the past, Yael has worked in psychological assessments and Employment Consultation. In addition to her psychological work with adults and adolescents, she also has extensive experience working with young children and counseling parents of pre- scholars. Yael has been trained in Group Facilitation and is now working as a Facilitator of adolescents in the Michael organization.

Markus Nau


Langjährige Tätigkeit im Bereich interkultureller Konflikt- und Anti-Gewalttrainings und Jugendsozialarbeit an einer Schule. Zur Zeit Mitarbeiter im Jugendamt Aichach-Friedberg. Zuständig für die Kommunale Jugendarbeit (mit Jugendschutz), Koordination Jugendsozialarbeit an Schulen und Täter-Opfer-Ausgleich. Momentan versuche ich im Bereich des Jugendschutzes Netzwerke im Sinne von NVR und "Neuen Autorität" im Bezug auf selbstgefährdendes Verhalten von Kindern und Jugendlichen zu initiieren.  Bin interessiert an Erfahrungen zur Arbeit im Gemeinwesen und an einem Austausch zu ethischen Fragestellungen bezgl. der „Neuen Autorität“.

Mary Newman

United Kingdom

I have been working with families using the NVR approach since it was brought to the UK by Peter Jakob in about 2001, and have had extensive training from Peter, Haim and Uri. I presented a workshop at the recent international NVR conference in London on ' Love, War and Control' which was partly based on my published research on NVR discourses. I lead an NHS team in East Kent, and we are now extending our use of NVR with individual families to group work.

Peter Nordin


I am a child- and adolescent psychiatrist and I work in a private practice and in a residential and out-reaching setting for children with emotional and behavioral difficulties.
In profession and life a true believer in the (healing) power of nonviolent resistance, in particular when dealing with children and youngsters who are entitled to vigilant care.

Stefan Ofner


Psychologist, Coach, Trainer. Father of a boy and a girl.
Trainings for Institutions and Professionals in New Authority and NVR. Trainer and Supervisor of a longtime project for "New Authority in a Residential Setting".
My Intention is to support people and institutions in creating new options and solutions in their daily affairs. The Concept of the New Authority is an excellent approach, which helps to focus and empower and feel good!

Ron Ottenbros


4 years ago we started using NVR on our ward – Panama (adolescent psychiatric ward, de Bascule, Amsterdam). We have successfully adapted NVR for use in a ward setting and as a result have decreased violent incidents on the ward. Patients, parents and staff are enthusiastic about NVR.
We also provide training and supervision to support the implementation of NVR by teams or organizations.

Susanne Quistorp


Let's share our experiences, let's take position, let's encourage each other to take over responsability as adult people leading others!

Yaki Sagi


Yaki is a  psychologist working at Tel-Aviv University. Yaki is currently researchig the involvement of fathers, other family members and responsible authoritative figures in school through the parental counseling unit. Yaki has been a member of the parents counseling unit in Schneider's Hospital since 2007.

Jules Schoubben‏


For me this is the most innovative and inspiring view on education of the last twenty years. It's not a choice, it's a necessity! a way of life!

Claudia Seefeldt


I am a graduate economist and have many years of international experience in project management and adult education. In addition to this I am a graduate kinesiologist and am trained in systemic, solution-oriented coaching. I hold a degree in postgraduate studies in systemic consulting. Above all I am an enthusiastic mother of two children. I attended workshops and conferences with Haim Omer, Idan Amiel and Uri Weinblatt. For some time now I am working as a consultant for parents, schools and public authorities using the NA approach.

Michelle Shapiro

United Kingdom

I am a clinical psychologist working in the Bexley CAMHS service as well as in private practise. I have been involved with and using NVR for several years now and my service and I are very committed to this program. I have offered NVR to individual clients, and I have also been part of the joint NVR family therapy group. I offer NVR within the NHS and also in my private capacity. I had the good fortune to attend the first national Conference in 2011, as well as the second conference in 2012.

Hila Shilo


Hila is at the final stages of acquiring her M.A in clinical psychology from Bar-Ilan University. Hila has been an active member of the parents counseling unit since 2006, and is currently supervising the telephone supporters. Hila, together with Prof. Omer, is developing an NVR intervention protocol for parents of young adults diagnosed with High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders. The intervention is aimed at increasing the son's/daughter's level of independence, to minimize over-extensive aid given by the parents and to improve the atmosphere within the family.

Yaara Shimshoni


Yaara is a doctoral student in psychology at Tel Aviv University. Her main field of research is parental supervision in teen driving. During the past two years Yaara has been working with Prof. Omer on an intervention program designed to assist parents in their effort to reduce teen involvement in car accidents.

Hans Steinkellner


I´m a social worker, supervisor, consultant and trainer. I´m doing parental coachings and trainings in workshops and seminars in the content of "NVR" and "new authority" since a few years.

Ruth Tillner


Since 2003 I worked togehter with Martin Lemme,Angela Eberding, Bruno Körner et al with the NVR. I founded with them "ahimsa e.V." and we worked in communities, schools and with parents and in social institutions. This year I stay in London and I met a lot of other people from other countries and I'm very interesting at ann exchange of informations. I'm member of the Komeptenznetzwerk from Weinheim.

Philippine Tjalma


Vanaf 1999 werk ik met ouders/gezinnen in de vrouwenopvang, geïndiceerde jeugdzorg en de jeugdpsychiatrie. In 2003 heb ik de post-hbo opleiding Intensieve Ambulante Gezinsbehandeling gedaan. Ik geef in de thuissituatie intensieve behandel-trajecten aan gezinnen die totaal vast lopen in het dagelijks leven. Juist in deze gezinnen ontstaan er vaak problemen met autoriteit en zie ik de situatie op verschillende manieren escaleren. In 2009 ben ik me gaan specialiseren in de methode 'Nieuwe Autoriteit'.
Daarnaast werk ik als zelfstandig ondernemer (Noorderkompas). Vanuit mijn eigen bedrijf ben ik met ouders aan het werk met de principes van 'Nieuwe Autoriteit', thuis en in een trainingsgroep.
Ook geef ik informatie, en verzorg ik workshops voor professionals en hulpverleners over de  methode.

Jo Torbeyns


Jo Torbeyns attended the basic and advanced training at the NVR School in Tel Aviv (Prof. Dr. Haim Omer, Irit Schorr-Sapir, e.a.). He is working as a psychotherapist and parent counselor. He is implementing the NVR approach (for already 5 years) in a residential setting for children and adolescents with serious behaviour problems and/or mental disorder. He is training professionals on the floor and is setting up parental training programs. He is a member of the 'Belgisch Instituut voor Geweldloos Verzet'.

Ber van der Stegen


Projectleader NVR at de Bascule, academic centre for child and adolescent psychiatry.

Frank Van Holen


I attended training in nonviolent resistance and the new authority by the NVR- centre in Israel and by Dr. Peter Jakob (United Kingdom). I'm department head of the foster care facility ‘Opvang’ in Brussels, coordinate an RCT-NVR-research project in foster care and I'm associated with the ‘Vrije Universiteit Brussel’.

Justine Van Lawick


I am very much interested in the developments of NVR and new authority. I use the ideas and concepts in my work and teaching.

Relinde van Lier



My job is about helping students (14-17y) at school, in relating to the problems they have to face (either at home, either individual, either in classroom, with friends, bullying, cyber...). My roots lay in my studies master in educational sciences (especially for special education to youngsters-in-problems). Then I worked at about 16y in a residential settings for adolescents, new anoter 17y in a school, level secundary. For me, the "new authority" incl anchoring function is a way of live, more than simply another theory of education.

Wil van Nus


 Ik ben thuisbehandelaar in MFC De Banjaard. Als lid van het Intensieve Ambulante Team ben ik dagelijks bezig met Geweldloos Verzet in (vaak multiproblem) gezinnen. De methodiek is door ons aangepast aan onze doelgroep: kinderen en jongeren met een psychiatrische diagnose en een licht verstandelijke beperking. Kernbegrippen daarin zijn: concretiseren, visualiseren en structureren.
 Ons poliklinische team werd in 2011 geschoold door het Lorentzhuis. Daarna hebben wij met een aantal collega's in oktober 2012 de Advanced Training Non Violant Resistance gevolgd in Tel Aviv.
 Een nieuwe uitdaging vormt momenteel het aanpassen en implementeren van de methodiek in scholen voor speciaal onderwijs.‏

Uri Weinblatt


Happy to be here among friends! Have been doing NVR for more than 10 years and still at it.

Eliane Wiebenga


Clinical psychologist and psychotherapist specialised in family therapy, parent-counselling in general and since 2005 specialised in NVR. For many years I worked in a children’s psychiatric hospital. Since 2000 I am working in the Lorentzhuis, Institute for systemic therapy, education and consultation in Haarlem, The Netherlands, as a therapist, teacher and supervisor. We use NVR both in ‘stand-alone’-contacts with parents & families and in parent-groups.
The Lorentzhuis has introduced NVR in The Netherlands by inviting Haim Omer two times for a 2-day seminar (in 2005 and 2007). Nowadays NVR is introduced in many institutes all over the country.
Together with my colleague Hans Bom we developed a training on New Authority and Nonviolent Resistance, that is officially accredited by the Dutch Association for Couple and Family therapy. We are also available for in company-trainings and supervision all over The Netherlands.


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