Our International Conferences

Save the date!!!

The 8th International NVR Conference will take place

April 4-5, 2025, 

in Amsterdam! 

The title - 

The courage of Connecting Authority & NVR:
How to attach and resist

More information is available at the conference website here -




The 7th international NVR conference  was held in Osnabruck , Germany on May 2023.


More information is available at the conference website here




Save the date!!!

The 8th International NVR Conference will take place

April 4-5, 2025, 

in Amsterdam! 

The title - 

The courage of Connecting Authority & NVR:
How to attach and resist

More information is available at the conference website here -




The 7th international NVR conference  was held in Osnabruck , Germany on May 2023.


More information is available at the conference website here




Become a Member

By joining N.A.N.I. you will become part of the NVR community. Click here to join us.

The NVR charter

"We commit to the principles of NVR in our life and work.
In the spirit of Ghandi, Martin Luther King and others we support each other in the promotion and the dissemination of the NVR attitude in ourselves, in families, schools, communities, organizations and in the political sphere.
We raise our voice and take a stand for a responsible leadership in an open and transparent manner."

Welcome to the New Authority website.

New Authority
The concept

Today's parents and teachers are struggling to cope with a loss of authority and an increased helplessness in regards to children.  This new reality poses a question, both practical and ethical: How can parents and teachers be helped out of their helplessness without becoming punitive and authoritarian? 
It is here that we offer an alternative, the development of a new kind of authority, what we refer to as the “New Authority”.

The new authority concept, created by Professor Haim Omer and team members from Schneider children's Medical Center of Israel, leaded by Idan Amiel, enables parents and educators to deal effectively with the destructive or self-destructive acts of children.
It is our mission to help parents and educators become better equipped in their roles and help them gain presence and authority. Visitors are welcome to read more about the New Authority concept in this website


The network

Welcome to N.A.N.I. (New Authority Network International), an online learning and networking community dedicated to supporting practitioners working within the field of NVR & New Authority.
Our team at Schneider Children's Medical Center of Israel (SCMC)  has created this network to promote the advancement of ideas and provide a space for professionals to connect and share knowledge about NVR & New Authority.

It is our contention that just as parental authority is strengthened by a strong and supportive network, so too do we, as practitioners, improve our own professional experiences by creating and relying on a network of  peers.  The N.A.N.I. website provides  information about the New Authority, currents projects, it offers a community for mutual support and the sharing of ideas, and links to various individuals and groups whose work incorporates the New Authority.